
The Registration Modal is accessed by clicking on the Registration button on the Homepage. Enter the information required. Note that the email field must be unique. If there is another entry with the same email, the app will reject the registration. After completing the entries, press the Create Account button.

Account creation requires email verification. A Confirmation modal will be opened which has a single input field. That field requires a Verification code. Open your email app whose address you input in the Registration modal. A verification code will be sent to that email account. Once that code is correctly entered, Registration will proceed and a new account will be created.

How to insert media?

If the image is already been displayed in a webpage somewhere, then it is as simple as Cut and Paste into the Page or the Post using the rich text editor. The image will remain displayed as long as the original source url is accessible.

A more secure method would be to store image in a globally accessible drive e.g. google Drive. Ensure that the image is shareable by right-clicking on the image in the google Drive and selecting Get Link, then select the Anyone With Link option in the General Access section. Then click on the Copy Link button on the bottom left. Ths copied link will have the form https://drive.google.com/file/d/XXXX/view?usp=sharing

Open the rich text editor for the post or page you intend to use the image and click the Insert Image button on the editor tool bar and choose the by URL option. Then key in the following derived from the copied link url above https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=XXXX.

Note that Youtube videos can be shared but the links cannot be copied directly off the Youtube page. Do a google search on how to share youtube videos.

What if a person has more than one partner?

Links to the children should be made from one parent. Links for the partner should also be made from the same partner. Currently, the software is not yet set up for multiple partners. Please include only one person as partner.

Recursive execution

If a name is present more than once in the Partners or Childrens list, then it can crash on execution because the program is continually looping between these two places on the tree. A name should not be present more than once on the tree. If there is a problem that the tree is recursively looping, check through these two lists of the node that exhibits this problem and see if there is a repetition. Another situation how this may occur is when a person is listed as a relative of himself.

Page Summary Information

When a Page is published without any text in the editor, the system fills the Page with Summary Information (as input into the rest of the Page) about the Person which the page is about. In order to update this Summary Information, clear the Page editor and re-Publish.